so here’s the poem for saturday. i’m hoping the video turns out as cool as it is in the mind of my media man, travis. hope you all like it on “paper” as well. thanks for playing! barbie.
One Question.
Do you like me?
‘Cause, you know, for the life of me,
I couldn’t guess.
So do you?
Like in the way a boy likes a girl?
The nervous flutter of thoughts
and unrequited emotions
bubbling in your stomach
kind of like me?
The comfort in wrap of arms
and holding of hands
and twining of legs
and finishing of sentences
and listening of stories
and wanting to know
how I take my coffee in the morning
and how I take my love-making in the afternoon
and how I take a shower
or a break
or regret
or a compliment
or how I’d take you if you told me that you liked me
kind of like me?
I’m sorry.
That was way too much all at once.
I’ll simplify.
Just one question….
Can I kiss you?