This poem was actually started prior to Aiming Low’s request for a submission from me. I finished it a few days after my piece “A Scarlet ‘A’ is Not My Avatar” was accepted as a guest post for their website.
If you haven’t read my article for Aiming Low yet, I hope this poem inspires you to run right over there and take a look. If you haven’t ever been to Aiming Low before, plan on staying there a while….that site is wall-to-wall “awesomesauce”.
um….that’s not a compliment.
I’m not the girl inside my pen,
the girl you think you see.
I’m not the poet on the stage.
I’m sorry, she’s not me.
This sparkle which illuminates,
its wattage is all mine.
I know you think it’s all for you
but it’s confidence born of time.
The “you’re really hot. Do you wanna fuck?”
is quite a lovely thought.
And adding, “Please don’t tell my wife.”
ensures my heart is caught.
The fact that we have never met
and I can’t recall your name,
makes me tire of the online world
and all the silly games.
written by barbie angell.
may 27, 2011.
Aiming Low is on twitter – @AimingLow
and on facebook – AimingLow
2 Responses
“Sardonic” is a word that springs to mind. It’s a good poem in its own right & obviously a good complement to the Aiming Low piece!
sardonic….i like that. : ) thank you. i thought the title turned out to be amusing since it is complementing the other piece….i’m such a word geek.