major renovations….
another visit to the doctor,
he assures me i will mend.
another phone call from my preacher
while i smile and pretend.
another misstep in my dreamscape
and i slip back to the past.
another memory meshed with cobwebs….
another love that couldn’t last.
another taxi to a new bar
with friends who buy another round.
another vacant understanding,
my heart is screaming without sound.
another splintered promise.
another fractured dream.
another architect is hired….
constructing who i want to be.
another truckload full of bandages
absent prayers and desperate screams,
and the contractor is overwhelmed
constructing who i want to be.
another semblance of a pretense.
another white knight lets me down.
the barren landscape of my future,
“i love you’s” littering the ground.
and then the truth electrifies me,
it leaves me shaking where i stand….
no construction crew can help me,
i need to trust in who i am.
2 Responses
Wonderful. So simple in it’s expression, so true in it’s feeling.
what a lovely description, thank you. it was one of those pieces that took it’s own direction. i was a little surprised by how i ended it.