I Love You Like a Leading Lady Loves Steve Martin
I’d like to tell you how I feel,
but It’s Complicated.
I know I’m quite The Jerk
for all I’ve overstated.
If you knew the girl I am,
if you knew All of Me,
but like a Man With Two Brains
you’re too smart to see.
If I had Three Amigos
you’d be my favorite friend.
If you were a Spanish Prisoner
I’d break you out and then,
we’d have ourselves a Big Year
and name our dog Roxanne.
We’d live an L.A. Story
when you aren’t with the band.
I’ve heard, “Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid.”
Who knows if that’s true.
But you are not a Lonely Guy….
my heart belongs to you.
A Valentine
September leaves….
August moon….
July heat….
Weddings in June….
May flowers….
April’s ducks….
March winds blow….
February sucks….
copyright 2012. all rights reserved.
2 Responses
Oh, I love the Steve Martin poem! Happy Valentine’s Day to you, Barbie : )
thank you. : ) i imagine it will eventually get longer as i try to add more of Mr. Martin’s work into it.